Thursday, March 10, 2011

Texas Health Freedom ALERT - Health Freedom Bills in House AND Senate

From time to time some important things will come through and I will need to post them on my blog, and this is one of those times. I really hope you will read this and take the appropriate action if you are a Texas resident.

"Colleagues and Friends of Texas Health Freedom,
In a development that can only be described as Divine Providence, there are now companion safe harbor (health freedom) bills in the Texas Senate and House! SB 1084 was filed by Senator Jeff Wentworth, and HB 1716 was filed by Rep. John Garza. These bills were filed primarily due to the efforts of naturopath Michele O'Donnell. Michele is one of the four naturopaths recently investigated by the Texas Medical Board. Michele has decided to fight back. We congratulate her on persuading her elected representatives to take up her and our cause.
After reviewing the language of the bills, the Texas Health Freedom Coalition executive committee has unanimously endorsed them, and will work with Michele's team and lobbyist to help enact them into law. You can help, too. Here's how:

1. Find out who your Texas state Senator and Representative is by going to the home page and fill in your address info in "Who Represents Me?" The first names that come up under "Texas State Senator" and "Texas State Representative" are your legislators. Remember, you are NOT contacting members of the US Congress!

2. Call them at their Austin office (area code 512). Tell whoever answers the phone that you would like to speak to the health policy advisor. Tell that person "I am a constituent of Sen. (Rep.) (Blank). I want him/her to sign on as a co-author of SB1084 (HB 1716). This bill protects my right to choose how and from whom I receive my health care. I want it enacted into law this session." Please note you will be making TWO calls, one each to your state senator and state representative, about SB 1084 in the Senate, and HB 1716 in the House, respectively. Expect to be asked for your address information, to verify that you are a constituent.

3. Please stay alert for future e-mails about these two bills. We will ask for your additional support as they make their way through the legislative process.

Please circulate this message widely, to all Texans on your e-mail list. This may be the best chance we have had in the last three legislative sessions to enact health freedom in Texas. Please lend your voice to help make it reality.

Thanks for your support of Texas Health Freedom,"

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